Thursday, August 7, 2008


May I just say that the public school system is RIDICULOUS! Out of respect for some I cannot name people or even specific incidents, but after seeing this it's no wonder there are so may idiots in the world. And don't even get me started on the parents.

And on a totally different front, my dog Jake really loves the smell of my shampoo. If I sit on the couch with wet hair, he climbs on the back of it so he can try to rub my head. I know it sounds totally weird, but he is not really an affectionate dog, so from him it's really sweet.


Sadie said...

What kind of shampoo?
Also, would you suggest just getting one or two really good knives or a whole set of kind of good knives?

Audrey said...

It's the Dove green shampoo. I can't remember what it's called, but it's in the green bottle.

As for knives, if you have the money I would get a whole set. It's nice to not have to use a giant knife to cut a tomato or something. But they are expensive, so the ones I think that mostly I use my chef knife (the big one) and a small, thin paring knife. The one I just got is a five inch santoku and it's my new favorite, even more than the chef knife. They're Calphalon brand and I got them at Ross for pretty cheap. Like way less than they normally are. I can't wait to see you!

Sadie said...

I know! Me too!
Though I am not excited about taking Norah on an airplane. Nope, not at all.