Monday, February 2, 2009


I went to a bread making class on Saturday. I really didn't learn very much about making bread, since the teacher was very scattered and kept walking off into the kitchen while he was talking. But I was still super inspired to make bread. It takes time, sure, but it's so worth it. Homemade bread, even when it's not great, is so much better than what you can buy. So I bought a big fatty bread book, The Bread Bible. It's a little intimidating, but I've made it to the third page. So far, so good.


Sadie said...

I copied you!
Go read my blog.
Love you.

Audrey said...

I know! I'm so proud of you! Look at you all cooking and stuff!

Gia/mom Emily said...

I always declined getting a bread machine, I feel when you cook bread you have to put love in it, and can't put love in it if you don't knead it with your own two hands. Remember the braided bread I used to make at Christmas time?

Audrey said...

I think I vaguely remember that bread. I was thinking about your toffee this morning, too. Yum! I don't really understand the bread machine. It's not that hard to make bread by hand, so what's the benefit of a machine?